Lactate Threshold 

·         Determine your precise lactate threshold
·         Determine ideal training zones in order to aid effective training
·         Avoid fatiguing rapidly due to lactic acid build up
As the workload is increases during exercise, the body reaches an equilibrium point where production and clearance of lactic acid balance. Workload increase or inadequate oxygen delivery eventually overwhelm the body’s ability to clear lactate, and the body switches to anaerobic respiration; this is termed the lactate, or anaerobic, threshold.  The resulting accumulation of lactate and carbon dioxide in the body, require increased ventilation and quickly leads to fatigue. Knowing the precise point of one’s lactate threshold (LT), therefore, allows the athlete to train at as high intensity as possible without entering anaerobic respiration and fatiguing rapidly.
Typically, a VO2 Max test gives a good estimation of where your lactate threshold is. However, to get a precise point it is necessary to measure blood lactate levels throughout a graded exercise test. In this test, the athlete will progress through a series of intervals of increasing intensity while samples of blood are taken in order to determine the athlete’s blood lactate levels. Based on the rate of increase of lactate in the blood, the individual’s LT will be determined. This test can be done in two different ways: 
  • When done in combination with a VO2 max test, the LT test yields a value that is accurate to within 10% of an individual’s LT threshold. Because it is done in combination a VO2 max test the interval changes are shorter and steeper than ideal for an LT test. To determine a precise LT, a steady state LT test becomes necessary.
  • The steady state LT test yields the exact value of an individual’s LT, but must be performed alone. Longer intervals and smaller increases in intensity are the key differences of this test that allow a more accurate LT to be determined.
This test provides the maximum heart rate and workload one can reach before switching to anaerobic metabolism. With this information, we can provide recommendations for the most effective training zones.